"May this world be full of people like yourself. Then, and only then, will this world know peace, love, harmony and we can all walk safely. Your presentation touched me."
by Lance,
Mens Colony,
San Luis, Obispo

"Imagine the amount of courage it takes for a 30 year old banker to give up all security and start a whole new life and career. Imagine that you are a woman, and decide to embark on a trip around the world... on a bicycle! Imagine writing a book about your experiences, and exposing yourself to public criticism and ridicule. Sally Vantress confronted each of these fears and many more. Sometimes she paid a heavy price. Sometimes she learned important lessons. Sometimes she had huge personal breakthroughs. But the difficulties and the traumas never stopped her from continuing her journey..."
By Ed Bernd Jr. on February 13, 2002

My daughter leaves for Thailand in 2 days. For a year! To meditate and explore. I'm excited and scared for her but if I hadn't read your book I don't think I would have been able to cope with this adventure. Thank you for your inspirations.
-Nicole Lund, Spokane, WA

"I can only think how my life would have been so different if I had the inner strength and ambition that Sally has. I had a lot of hurdles that I crossed early in my life, but this book is a great example of how anyone can tackle any obstacle thrown at them and have the strength to learn and grow. Seeing Myself Seeing the World is truly a remarkable story of strength, courage, determination, and inner spirit..."
by Linda Racicot

“This story demonstrates that the power of the mind is limitless.”
by Jose Silva, Founder of the Silva Method of Mind Development. 1992

"I'm awed by your experiences... you are truly a remarkable person!"
by Jane Murdock,
May-Murdock Publications, Ross, CA

"Sally's presentation is inspirational, dynamic in delivery and a truly open honest account of herself and life."
by REI, Berkeley

"I just finished reading your book. I was just mesmerized by it. Wow what an impressive Journey, both spiritually and physically. Thank you for sharing your amazing adventure. I am an avid bike rider and world traveler, and a woman 5'2" in height, so could relate to all you had to share. You are truly and amazing woman. Thanks for the inspiration, and all the best to you. "
by Christana Gnehm-Boyle
(Liberty Lake, WA)

"I had an opportunity recently to read Sally's book Seeing Myself, Seeing The World. I had just gone through a health crisis and surgery. Sally's strength in adversity, her positive attitude and her effective use of meditation was incredibly inspirational to me. Plus her stories are fascinating, I'm so excited to see where she goes next and hope to enlist her help as my daughter plans some solo travels next year."
by Nikki Lund
April 24, 2017

"I was deeping moved by your physical and emotional strength, Sally. I cried from New Zealand to Aptos..."
by Gary Harold,
Aptos, CA

"Just couldn't put it down. You helped me reflect on my travels in a positive manner."
by Mark Fromm